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Do you love yourself?

This is a very deep question, isn't it? I believe that everyday we have to ask this to ourselves and as we do we have to make sure that we know what it is we exactly love about ourselves?

Not only during difficult times but all through life we have to take care about our mind and body...just make sure that they two connect and that they are in harmony with each other. The mind and body are constantly talking to each other and within this talk it is important that we nourish both of them with good thoughts, vibes and gestures.

Harika Pekinel a mindfulness coach, always welcoming with her positive approach and big beautiful smile. Harika says: "Healthy self-esteem opens doors to a happier life." I agree and I do my best to remind myself every day.

Let's find out. Join her at a special event organised by Westminster Libraries & Archives on 18th May 2021. The event is called MEDICINE FOR THE HEART.

Designed to demonstrate how effective the practice of meditation and coaching can be when applied to increase self-love, self-kindness and self-compassion; this one-hour event will take you on a beautiful journey to appreciate the person that you are.

Please check out details here; and don't forget to tell yourself that YOU ARE GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL.

These events are organised by Westminster Libraries & Archives. These events are free of charge nevertheless your donation is always very much appreciated. Please consider a donation ticket. Thank you in advance.


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